Unifying Rescue
MATRS's Commitment to Every Corner of Massachusetts
Welcome to the Massachusetts Association of Technical Rescue Specialists (MATRS), a non-profit corporation dedicated to coordinating Technical Rescue services statewide. As your hub for enhancing professionalism and quality in technical rescue services, we're committed to providing a unified voice for professionals, promoting safety, education, and interoperability in the field. Join our mission to ensure life safety and develop robust technical rescue capabilities throughout the Commonwealth. Together, we're coordinating and mobilizing resources to protect and serve. Your safety, our mission.
The Mission of MATRS
Our mission is to enhance professionalism and the quality of services for members and those managing emergency technical rescue incidents, prioritizing life safety. We provide a unified voice for professionals in policy formation and address technical rescue field issues.
We're committed to ongoing education and training, raising public and agency awareness, and encouraging the development of technical rescue capabilities. Our goal is to promote safety, education, and standardized training across Massachusetts, ensure interoperability among rescue groups, and represent our members to advance our organization's objectives.