Massachusetts Association of Technical Rescue Specialists
06/01/2017 Meeting Minutes 1900 open meeting of the Massachusetts Association of Technical Rescue Specialists called to order in Bridgewater, Ma.
In Attendance:
President Mark McCabe
Secretary Christopher Ebert
Treasurer Michael Evaul
Chief Kevin Nord
Chief Matt Belsito
Greg Smith
Rebecca Boutin
Vice President Francis Clark
Peter Jerusik
Shawn Simmons
Eric Pepper
Merchandise: Helmet decals and T-shirts are in and ready for distribution
Social Media: NTR
Bylaw: NTR
Treasures Report: NTR
Meeting called to order 1930 with 26 members in attendance
Mark McCabe discussion about the status of the organization. Keep moving forward and we are 129 members strong and growing.
We had Special guest speakers from OSHA and FCAM.
Secretary Ebert has T-shirts and helmet decals in stock if items are owed to members.
Dues will be owed July 1, 2017 and all members requested to apply on the website through PayPal.
Chief Tim Grenno Whitman Fire 1st Vice President of FCAM spoke to the legislation. 2 bill are out, 1 in the house and 1 in the senate. Number 1380 FCAM and PFFM are backing the senate. Legislation makes up council and fiduciary. Members requested to call their senator too move the legislation.
The secretary of public safety willing to have the Governor sign an executive order for council, but it would not help with the fiduciary piece. The bill will stay as a whole in committee now.
Peter Barletta from OSHA Presentation very informative and his power point will be made available for all members.
Nominations for the 12 BOD positions 6 for 1 year and 6 for 2 years.
President Mark McCabe
Vice President Rebecca Boutin
Secretary/ Treasurer Christopher Ebert
Chief Kevin Nord
Chief Matt Belsito
Greg Smith
Eric Pepper
Joseph Tierney
Ethan McMahon
Rob Manson
Ian McGregor
Frank Rogier
Mike Evual, Nick lambert, Fran Clark, Shawn Simmons and Peter Jerusik Thanked for their time and efforts towards MATRS.
Open meeting adjourned 2145
BOD meeting called to order 2200
In attendance:
President Mark McCabe
Vice President Rebecca Boutin
Secretary/ Treasurer Christopher Ebert
Chief Kevin Nord
Chief Matt Belsito
Greg Smith
Joseph Tierney
Ethan McMahon
Rob Manson
Ian McGregor
Frank Rogier
Eric Pepper
Committees will be formed at the next BOD Meeting.
Motion: Obtain a P.O. box in a location close to the Secretary/ Treasurer in 1-year increments.
2nd Ebert
Motion Passes 8-0-0
Motion: Check with Mike Evaul to make sure proper taxes have been done for MATRS
2nd Boutin
Motion Passes 8-0-0
Motion: Change the address of MATRS
2nd Belsito
Motion Passes 8-0-0
Next BOD meeting scheduled for June 29, 2017 1900 location TBD.
Meeting adjourned 2300